About 40 Fleming neighbors gathered last night to hear a tag-team presentation from Carol Hamilton of the City's Planning Department and Jim Sullivan of Braddock and Logan. "We're not here to discuss whether this property will be developed, but how it should be developed and what the design will be," Hamilton said.
Sullivan presented two plans to build 14 homes on the 2.66 acres lot at 143 Fleming Avenue. One design included a nearly 1/2 acre green space, while the other has larger lots and no public green space. Hamilton stated the City Planning Department will recommend the plan with no park for approval. According to Hamilton, maintaining a pocket park of less than one acre would be "too inefficient" since there are limited resources.
However, in a meeting at City Hall with 5 neighbors earlier in the day, Councilmember Nora Campos said she could support the park plan. She also said if a majority of neighbors were to support the park plan, she would be willing to commit funds for park maintenance for a minimum of two years. Perhaps most importantly, she said having a park would greatly increase the possibilties of creating more traffic calming measures on Fleming Avenue. "This is the kind of creative solution that I know about because of my 10 years experience...They will ask me, 'Is this a route to a park?' and I can say, YES!" Some traffic calming possibilities discussed during the meeting with Campos included crosswalks, flashing lights, lowering the speed limit, and electronic speed monitoring signs.
Also in the works is a comprehensive traffic study by the City Department of Transportation to analyze road conditions, jurisdictions, and traffic flow along Fleming Avenue. The study analysis will be complete in 2 to 3 weeks, according to Campos.
Neighbors were split regarding the future of the lot. Some were in favor of the park, while others thought the green space would attract an unsavory element to our neighborhood. However, one thing remains constant: neighbors are all too aware of the traffic and safety dangers along Fleming Avenue. All agreed that adding more and more developments would only make a bad situation worse.
The San Jose Planning Commission is scheduled to vote on the two proposals next Wednesday, May 24th at 6:30pm at San Jose City Hall. They will make their recommendation to the City Council which will have the final say on June 13th.
You can view the proposal on the planning department's website:
Go to www.sanjoseca.gov/planning and click on hearings and meetings. Then click on the Planning Commission Agenda for May 24th (item PDC05-061) .
Please plan on attending the meeting next Wednesday. In the past, a large neighbor turn-out has resulted in two delays and a reduction in the number of homes. We can make a difference!
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