Braddock and Logan are busy developing several lots in the East Foothills and turning them into
crowded new neighborhoods. One that's nearing completion shown above is called "Capri" at
Story and Clayton. Another called "Sundance" is at
Alum Rock and Fleming next to The Jordan School. There is another one in the
Warner Heights area, and of course, the newest proposal to put
18 to 21 homes on just 2.6 acres on the
Fleming Avenue lot
now occupied by The
Lord's Baptist Church. Has this developer contacted any neighbors to

explain their plans? I know they haven't contacted me, and I live right across the street from their Fleming Ave. site. The problem I see with Braddock and Logan's projects is that they build
San Francisco-style density, right here in our
East Foothills. Look at the homes above, you'd be lucky to get a
Weber and a couple of lawn chairs in their backyards! They jam every home they can onto a lot, but do they even consider the
traffic problems they are creating for their own new home-buyers not to mention the rest of us? Our
old county roads were not designed to handle the traffic they carry now, and these new developments will only make it worse.
It becomes a danger. How is this developer mitigating these problems? It's time we
hold them accountable, and/or
change zoning laws that allow these kind of
runaway projects along narrow our county roads.
Let's stop the overcrowding! --Len and Julie Ramirez/158 Fleming Ave.
lenramirez@aol.comPLEASE SEND COMMENTS TO:
San Jose City Council District 5:
District5@sanjoseca.govProject Mgr. Hadasa Lev in SJ Planning Division:
hadasa.lev@sanjoseca.govFOR MORE DETAILS ON THE PLANS: in file numbers: PDC05-061, story 57, PD0567, or PT05-087 or the address 139 and 143 Fleming Ave.)
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