If you're visiting this site, you've probably been stuck in the massive traffic jam that happens every weekday morning on Fleming Avenue. If not, let me clue you in. So many cars jam on to Fleming that traffic routinely backs up 11 to 12-hundred feet from Alum Rock Avenue. Sometimes the string of cars goes all the way back to Neves. What's going to happen if a developer builds 21 new houses right in the middle of this? Figuring two cars per household, that may be up to 42 more cars joining the line-up.
Click here for a slideshow on Fleming's traffic jam:
Please join other Fleming neighbors who would like to make our East Foothills a better place to live.
Attend a Planning Commission meeting on December 7th, @ 6:30 pm in City Hall.
Attend a City Council meeting on December 13th, @ 6:30 pm in City Hall.
Len and Julie Ramirez
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