Check out the stylish designs for the new SJ Fire Station number 2 under construction now on Alum Rock Avenue. Neighbors demanded a new station for the area, not a remodel of the old station. This is what the city gets for it's 9.5 million dollar investment.
Local fire safety guru Frank Crane wrote in a recent ARNNE posting: "If any of us ever visited the old station we were quickly aware of how outdated the old place was. Additionally, we are reminded that the new facility is not like your neighbor's house. This is an up-to-date, technically equipped, fire station, emergency response, and residential facility. And it removes any fear that the Alum Rock Area will be left without a nearby emergency crew on hand 24/7."
I'm glad to see our tax dollars going to projects that are worthwhile for once. I've lived in East San Jose for 56 yrs and most of those fire stations were here long before I was. Our local fire people deserve this improved working environment. Congrats to all of them. Stay safe, Firefighters. Thank you for being there for me when I needed you.
Yes, it was the neighbors who demanded a new station! Even though some of our local politicians are claiming it was mostly due to their work and forgetting that the community really banded together on this.
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