CBS-5's hit TV show Eye on the Bay will be focusing an upcoming segment on our dear old Alum Rock neighborhood. I got a call this morning from show host/producer Marla Tellez asking me if I could play tour guide for the show which will be taped on January 30th. Of course I exitedly accepted this great offer to show off our little corner of the world to the TV viewers of the Bay Area. But where to start? We plan to meet at the Dr. Roberto Cruz library and fan out from there, our stops will include Peters Bakery, James Lick High, Marks Hot Dogs, and of course Alum Rock Park. Here's where you, the readers of The Neighborhood View come in. We need a few more location suggestions...the often overlooked, the off-beat, the interesting and of course anything picturesque. Please put suggestions in the comments section below and we will see you on TV!
Eye on the Bay used to be known as Evening Magazine. It is a daily, half-hour TV program that airs at 7pm on CBS 5. The show is known for its high quality, often witty and always interesting profiles of people and places around the Bay Area. You can check out some recent segments here:
http://cbs5.com/eyeonthebayAs a lifelong resident of the Alum Rock area and a CBS-5 TV News Reporter, I want to put our best foot forward on this important project.
You should talk with Mario at Mario's Barber Shop on ALum Rock! He has been at his location for a very long and has seen this place grow and all the changes. He know MANY people in the neighborhood.
How about the Mexican Heritage Plaza at Alum Rock & King. I have lived here all my life and never visited until I needed a location for my daughter's QuinceaƱera. They have many events going on there and there plaza is nicely picturesque.
The Alum Rock Library is brand new and amazing... and the librarians are very nice!
The East Valley YMCA has been working with local schools to provide after school programs for some of our communities more under represented people. No person is turned away from the YMCA. Through the Live Strong Live Long program, the YMCA invites anyone who is battling cancer to attend weekly support meetings as well as use our facilities for free. These represent only a small portion of the YMCA does for our community.
We are currently fund raising for 2007. This year we will be giving away 1 million dollars in donated and discounted services for people in our community.
I'm rambling It means so much to me, and to the people who's lives are not the same because of it.
Please include St John Vianney Catholic Church. I was born in 1957, the year my parents bought a house from a lovely couple, The Smiths, they had the house moved to it's location on Doris Ave. The Smiths were a family with 8 or 9 sons that married a family with 8 or 9 daughters. I remember ladies coming to the school and walk a group of us children to a home on Wilbur Ave for cathecism lessons and then walk us back. Every weekend you could see tons of people at service and weddings, communion. I no longer live on Doris after living there for 36 years but hope to again someday. I left my heart on the East Side of San Jose. F M Fierro
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