For DRAMATIC video clips of this fire click on the following link: Jose Fire Department crews rushed to the scene of a house fire on Fleming Avenue tonight. When fire crews arrived, smoke was rising out of the two-story house at 101 Fleming Ave. Several trucks and fire apparatus
blocked off Fleming to fight the blaze.

Firefighters used ladders to get to the roof of the home to vent the flames, while others ventured inside the burning home to look for possible victims. Flames and burning debris could be seen dropping around firefighters as they struggled to get the fire under control. This was the second fire on this property in the last few months. The property recently sold and the lot is on the books for a possible subdivision of three home

s. Unfortunately, the fire struck at about 6:00 pm, and many Fleming area neighbors were just arriving home, only to find the road blocked off. Traffic was detoured for about two hours after the blaze. The cause of the fire was traced to electrical wiring on the second floor of the home. No one was injured, but three residents were displaced, according to San Jose Fire Department spokesman Alberto Olmos.
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