After more than a year of waiting and wondering if a new coffee house would be coming to Alum Rock Village, the question seems to be answered. "Starbuck's Coming Soon" banners were hung this week from the top of the old Rafiki's coffee house space at Alum Rock and White Road. Several residents were hoping for a Starbuck's or perhaps a Peet's and negotiations had been going on for some time to bring a major coffee house to the corner. No word yet on when the store may be open, but it appears work inside the space is moving quickly along. The space has been gutted inside.
This means that not only will great coffee be coming to Alum Rock, but so will jobs.
A notice in the window of the door says there will be a Starbuck's Coffee Company Hiring Fair on Wednesday, January 16th, 2008 at 2990 East Capitol Expressway (Capitol and Tully) from 10am to 12pm. No word on how many full or part-time jobs will be created.

Meantime, across the street, the Thai White Rock Cafe has sadly closed down. The signs have been taken down and the windows have been shuttered. Word that the restaurant would be shutting down circulated in the neighborhood for months and it finally happened. It was a well-regarded restaurant and had several good reviews. There is now a notice in the window that says there has been a change of ownership. And it appears a new Vietnamese restaurant will take it's place. No word on when the new restaurant will be open.